URL:Demo Reel
Title: Jeremi Roberts Demo Reel 2015
Genre: Corporate Interview/Live Recording
Job title/roll: Director, Cinematographer, Editor & Producer
Location: North Charleston, SC
Description: This demo reel has several different elements included within. I wanted to show certain color grading skills along with different camera angles. This demo also included a variety of the type of clients I work with and being able to communicate, direct and relate to all different backgrounds. The first few clips are from different corporate businesses and non-profit organizations. The next two were from a live church setting and in an environment that I didn’t have complete control over, so I had to depend on my knowledge of using the sony nex-fs100 camera and it’s settings to make the shots. I used the 3 point lighting set-up with (2) soft boxes and (1) scope backlight, which made for a pretty good lighting environment.